Who are we?

Who are we?

Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento (IIC) is a private R&D+i institution dedicated to extracting knowledge on the basis of high volumes of heterogeneous data (Big Data) and optimizing business processes in areas such as banking, healthcare, social media, energy and talent management in HR.

We finance ourselves by selling our own products and services resulting from our own research. We have thus proven that research and commercialisation are compatible and profitable, and reinvest our benefits in more innovation and research. Besides, we support development of intellectual property as a way to increase productivity and competition in the global markets.

IIC team is integrated by highly qualified professionals who give a good service to our clients: psychologists, psychometricians, linguists, mathematicians, physicians, information technicians and engineers expert in their areas and specialized in creating Data Analysis models and technologies.

Nowadays, the IIC director is Alberto Barrientos, who counts on a long professional career and a rich experience in Consultancy and Sales on the Industry, Telecommunications and Utilities sectors, as well as in the Public Sector. ADIC partners are IBM España, Grupo Santander and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).

What do we do?

After a 30-year experience on the market, we are offering a set of quality tools and also offer customized solutions and services using the most advanced analytical techniques in Big Data and algorithm engineering to turn data from companies into value and thus optimize, redeem and make decision making processes more dynamic.

We work closely with our clients during the whole process:


Identification of opportunities to innovate taking prospective actions to satisfy real market demands and demands from our partners and clients.

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement and evolutionary maintenance of systems, products and services developed.


Transfer of technology supported by a solid development methodology, including a prototype of solutions, concept tests and successful implementations converted into products, as well as setting channels for them to be commercialised.


Adjustment to problems that need to be solved in scientific and technological underlying research.

Also, IIC projects allow our clients to:

Obtain valuable information

Obtain valuable information out of data.

Optimise business processes

Optimise business processes and make decision making more dynamic.

Achieve objective results

Achieve accurate and objective results.

Save costs

Save costs and time, making the investment more profitable.

We bring science, research and innovation together: University and enterprise.

We offer a collaborative working environment where research and development are combined to make challenging projects profitable for our clients, useful for society and attractive to our professionals.