Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization

Health and social services are essential public services to prevent the consequences of certain social inequalities and support social integration. Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization boosts solutions to improve the use of healthcare centres, technical equipment, and the public and private administrative units operated by the competent authority.

Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization Service is tailored according to the different social services which depend on the characteristics of the assisted population, their risk of social exclusion, the structure required by the service, specific needs and the ownership of the centres and care services offered to cover such needs: nurseries and childcare services, youth hostel or homeless shelters, soup kitchens, social homes, day-care centres, rehab centres, retirement homes, home sanitary attention services o eldercare services, etc.

In order to optimize the performance of these healthcare and eldercare services, it is important to consider the rate of people that may need the service, their growth rate future projection and the social expense of the programmes and services designed to assist that population.

We analyse data and optimize both healthcare management and patient care applying our own Big Data stratification and segmentation techniques to divide population into groups according to their fragility index. We also apply predictive models to improve healthcare services management by understanding and anticipating patients’ needs and reducing the associated cost.

What is Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization?

Our aim is to transform into knowledge all the real and valuable information gathered by the eldercare services that assist dependent patients, for example.

IIC wide experience applying our own algorithms and techniques let us analyse the data stored in very heterogeneous information systems:

  • Primary Attention,
  • Specialised Attention,
  • Pharmacy,
  • Terminal and peripheral devices,
  • Comments gathered by the specialists,
  • Social variables from the census or any other register, etc.

Detecting those variables which are relevant permits to classify dependent patients and optimise the service they receive. From the results of the analysis, it is possible to offer rules to issue alerts and recommendations.

Patients’ characteristics evolve and their fragility index must be readjusted. At IIC we developed predictive models to predict behaviour patterns according to common characteristics and the reasons for someone to need urgent medical care, permanent medical attention or a personalised monitoring, doctor appointment or medication intake reminders, technical assistance, etc. Thanks to such information the institutions that provide healthcare and eldercare services can improve the assistance to their users.

Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization Services help classify dependent patients or users, predict their evolution, anticipate and fulfil their needs better and improve the quality of the service reducing the associated cost.

Why invest in Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization Services?

The analysis of the information gathered by the healthcare and eldercare services shows the growing need of correlating the data from the people assisted by the social services with those from their families, caretakers, medical care professionals, those institutions created to support them, the regional or national institutions that cover the service, and those other companies, foundations or religious orders implied in their care.

Social programmes are aimed at improving their life quality, but the key to achieve that goal and reduce medical care costs is being able to understand and anticipate the needs of both dependent patients and users who might need, for example, home assistance. In that case, it is also essential to help the social services and medical centres specialised in eldercare services that fulfil their needs. This is why the Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization Service becomes a must to improve the coordination among them.

Healthcare and Eldercare Optimization Service helps predicting and fulfilling dependent patients’ needs saving costs.

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    Información básica sobre Protección de Datos

    • Responsable: Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería del Conocimiento.

    • Dirección: Ctra. de Colmenar Viejo, km.15, Calle Francisco Tomás y Valiente 11; EPS, Edificio B, 5ª planta; 28049 Madrid.

    • Teléfono: 914972323

    • Correo electrónico:

    • Delegado de Protección de Datos:

    En nombre de Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería del Conocimiento, tratamos la información que nos facilita con el fin de dar respuesta a la solicitud realizada por usted en relación con los servicios que prestamos y los productos que suministramos. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga el contacto, siendo eliminados una vez finalizada la solicitud. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. Usted tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería del Conocimiento estamos tratando sus datos personales, por tanto, tiene derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, rectificar los datos inexactos o solicitar su supresión cuando los datos ya no sean necesarios. Asimismo, podrá oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos, solicitar la limitación al tratamiento y la portabilidad de sus datos. Si considera que sus datos personales no han sido tratados conforme a la normativa, puede contactar con Asimismo, podrá presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, especialmente cuando no haya obtenido la satisfacción en el ejercicio de sus derechos, a través de la sede electrónica en

    Asimismo, se desean utilizar sus datos para ofrecerle productos y servicios relacionados con los solicitados por Usted, por cualquier medio, incluido el electrónico, incluso una vez terminada la relación negocial/contractual.